WHY BOTHER ABOUT THE STRUCTURE OF FOOD? Unlocking the future food for health, well-being and sustainability: IV Northern Lights on Food Conference
IV Northern Lights on Food Conference 7-9 June 2023 –Lund City Hall
WHY BOTHER ABOUT THE STRUCTURE OF FOOD? Unlocking the future food for health, well-being and sustainability
150 participants first day
P r o g ram 7 J u n e – Unlocking the secrets of food – Session 1: Moderator: Yasemin Arhan Modéer
13:00-13:10 Welcome by Lund University Pro Vice Chancellor Viktor Öwall
13:10-13:40 Ole Mouritsen (KU) – Science of Taste Drives the Green Transition
13:40-14:00 Selma Maric (MAX IV) – X-rays in food science
14:00-14:20 Andrew Jackson (ESS) – Neutrons in food science
14:20-14:50 Coffee
Session 2: Moderator: Yasemin Arhan Modéer
14:50-15:30 Industry session - panel discussion • Kim Olofsson (AAK) • Lena de Mare (Tetra Pak) • Kate Browning (Novozymes)
15:30-16:00 Karin Wendin (HKR) – How does it taste?
16:00-16:10 Dr. Chris Celania (Exciscope) – Exciscope: High contrast 3D X-ray imaging with a lab system
16:10 Mingle
P r o g ram 8 J u n e – Food structure for well-being and sustainable processing –
8:00-9:00 Coffee
Session 3: Food texture for sustainability and health - moderator: Milena Corredig
8:45 -9:15 Milena Corredig (Aarhus univ) and Tommy Nylander (Lund univ) – Northern Lights on Food
9:15-9:45 Hans Joerg Limbach (Nestlé) – Structure Formation with combined heat and shear treatments – The secrets of Fluid Gels
9:45-10:15 Theresia Heiden-Hecht (JCNS) – Sustainable food emulsions
10:15-10:45 Coffee
Moderator: Anna Ström
10:45-11:15 Remko Boom (Wageningen univ) – Processing for structure to optimise sustainability and health
11:15-11:45 Jun Niimi (RISE) – To salt or not to salt? Not as simple as you think...
11:45-12:15 Roland Kádár (Chalmers) – Rheo-PLI-SAXS
12:15-13:15 Lunch
Session 4: Contributed talks - moderator: Jens Risbo
13:15- 14:30 Contributed talks I (15 min):
1. Crystallization of Saturated Monoacid Triglycerides: Findings from an X-ray scattering study - Ivana Penagos, Filip Van Bockstaele, Koen Dewettinck (Ghent University, Belgium)
2. SAXS studies of Pickering emulsions made with pea protein - Eleonora Olsmats, Adrian R. Rennie (Uppsala University, Sweden)
3. Realizing the AF4-UV-SAXS on-line coupling on protein and antibodies using high flux synchrotron radiation at the CoSAXS beamline, MAX IV - Hans Bolinsson, Christopher Söderberg, Fátima Herranz-Trillo, Marie Wahlgren, Lars Nilsson. (Lund University, Sweden)
14:30-15:00 Coffee
15:00-15:45 Contributed talks II (15 min)
1. Exploring structure and interactions among proteins from Pisum sativum - Anna Maischberger (University of Tübingen, Germany and Malmö University, Sweden)
2. Synchrotron SAXS SAXS-analysis of micellar recombinant casein properties for vegan cheese production - Christopher Söderberg, Anna Millqvist Fureby, Ulla Elofsson, Johan Krakau (RISE, Sweden)
3. Compatibility of Oat Proteins and Low-/High-Methoxyl Pectins - Marina Marinea, Patricia Lopez Sanchez, Anna Ström (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)
Session 5: Lipids as structure builders - moderator: Niklas Lorén
15:45-16:15 Anne-Laure Fameau (INRA) – Foams, emulsions and gels based on fatty components: from their design using small-angle scattering techniques to their applications
16:15-16:45 Reidar Lund (UIO) – Solubilization of membranes 1
6:45-17:15 Martin Leser (University of Fribourg) – Understanding multi-scale structure formation in food – The key to product functionality
18:00 Dinner
P r o g ram 9 J u n e – Protein –
8:00-9:00 Coffee
Session 6: Proteins as structure builders - moderator: Anna Fureby 9:00-9:30 Francois Boue (CEA) – A multiscale analysis of the digestion of a plant protein gel: from synchrotron X-Ray Scattering to microscopy and rheology
9:30-10:00 Ali Assifaoui (University of Burgundy, Dijon) – Protein structure in polysaccharide-based hydrogels using small angle neutron scattering
10:00-10:30 Coffee
Moderator: Anna Ström
10:30-11:00 Flash presentations (5 min)
1. A DES-based extraction protocol for plant-sourced globulins suited for sustainable food - Davide Schirone, Anna Maischberger, Felix Roosen-Runge (Malmo University, Sweden)
2. Multidimensional spectroscopy unravels the nature and intensity of polysaccharidepolyphenol interactions - Adriana Aguilar-Torres, Jacopo Catalano, Mario Martinez-Martinez (Aarhus University, Denmark).
3. Enzymatic and microbial production of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) from canihua (Chenopodium pallidicaule) and tarwi (Lupinus mutabilis) - Gabriela Ibieta, Jimena Ortiz, Mauricio Peñarrieta, Javier Linares-Pastén (Lund University, Sweden)
4. Enzymatic production of margarine from new vegetable oils - Jimena Ortiz Sempértegui, Gabriela Ibieta, Javier Linares-Pastén, Mauricio Peñarrieta (Lund University, Sweden)
11:00-11:30 Susana Marujo Texeira (UDEL) – A cup of neutrons
11:30-12:00 Jan Skov Pedersen (AaU) – Advances in modelling scattering data from casein micelles. Where are we now?
12:00-12:30 Christofer Lendel (KTH) – Hierarchical protein materials for food applications
12:30-13:30 Lunch and goodbye

Project meeting Vinnova
Established researchers from Sweden gathered for a two day long meeting in Lund in the project “Strengthened research and innovation in the food sector made possible by neutron and synchrotron technologies”, sponsored by Vinnova.

US Delegation visit to Lund - Inspiring discussions when food people from San Francisco visit food people from Lund
Northern Lights on Food together with Business Sweden hosted a delegation from San Francisco last Sunday. 20 people with an interest in food, including entrepreneurs, investors, those in food tech, and chefs spent a day in Lund to learn more about the latest food research at Lund University, and within Northern Lights on Food, as well as to start new collaborations.

Northern Lights on Food at Innovation week
Northern Lights on Food held a breakfast event as part of the Skåne Innovation Week on the 16th of June. Interested members of the public and guests at the Innovation Week had a chance to pass by and meet food scientists working in the research environment around MAX IV and ESS.

Northern Lights on Food conference III, From milk to limoncello – the best of food science and innovation
Northern Lights on Food III was the third annual conference bringing together researchers from academia and industry. Three days of presentations included new research using x-ray and neutron tools to make progress in our understanding of food structures, as well as connections to the wider food industry and society as a whole. After last year’s conference was an online-only event, this year 80 participants gathered in the heart of Lund to meet once more in person, learn about each other’s work, and discuss the way forward for the Northern Lights on Food initiative.

The recent Northern Lights on Food II conference brought together researchers from academia and industry with the aim to establish a food network that will enable researchers to take full advantage of the new tools provided by large scale research infrastructures such as the ESS and MAX IV in Lund, Sweden. It was organised by the Food Science and Technology working group at LINXS.

The news items below highlight the most recent updates from Northern Lights on Food.